MDK Leather
Danish designer and founder of Munderingskompagniet/MDK Stine Busk has successfully created fashionable leather jackets for women at all ages for more than ten years –always far-sighted sensing trends and new tendencies – simply designing the ‘must have jacket’.
A leather jacket from Munderingskompagniet is meant to be worn 24/7. The jacket you pick on a weekday and the jacket you pick when your party dress needs an edgy look. It is the jacket hanging in your closet season after season – never losing momentum.
It takes a good sense of aesthetic and an artistic spirit to design such timeless classics. As an artist creating everlasting pieces with heart and soul – Stine makes her unique designs with great passion and spirit. Part of the success is also her growing up in the countryside, storing up inspiration from travelling, working as a stylist, makeup artist and costumier, always observing the man in the street and strictly designing clothes she personally likes. Not to forget her essential belief in the DNA of her design – “What you see is what you get” – never compromising on quality nor adding details without a function.
Stine loves the colour black and the thought of black being a mix of all colours. Simple on the surface yet so diversified – explaining why she has a soft spot for the classic black leather jacket. Nevertheless -colours and suede have snug their way into the collections and jackets, leggings, skirts, shorts and shirts are now available in a beautiful colour range.
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